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Subscription & Membership

Subscription Box FAQs

How will I be charged for my subscription?. When you first sign up for the subscription box, you will be charged for the first month. Your next charge will occur on the 10th of the following month. You will be charged once a month, on the 10th of eve

Membership FAQ

How much is the membership?. The membership is $24.95 a quarter. You will be charged $24.95 when you purchase the membership and then $24.95 3 months later. Do I get express shipping with my Plant Family Membership?. You will get discounted express s

How do I handle my subscription box in the cold winter months?

During the cold winter months you can do either of the following. 1. Reach out to our team to include Winter Shipping Protection in your order for that specific month. Please reach out to us before the 10th. 2. Skip your subscription box. How to skip

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